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Terms & Conditions

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Please review and accept all terms of the submission agreement below.


I have read and understand the content of The Hershey Company's policy for submitting ideas.
By submitting my idea, I indicate my agreement that my idea includes all submitted information and materials.

  • 1 .
    I am at least 18 years old at the time of submission.
  • 2 .
    To the best of my knowledge, this is my original idea, which has not been copied or taken from anyone else. Alternatively, I am the parent/legal guardian of a minor who is the sole originator/owner of the idea.
  • 3 .
    I understand and certify that my idea submission does not/will not infringe upon any rights of another person or entity.
  • 4 .
    I understand and agree that I am submitting my idea to The Hershey Company on a non-confidential basis. I agree that there will be no confidential relationship of any kind between The Hershey Company and me unless we separately agree to that in writing. The Hershey Company is not obligated to keep secret any information that I submit under this agreement.
  • 5 .
    I understand and agree that the only protection I have for my idea is any patent protection that exists at the time of this idea submission.
  • 6 .
    I understand and agree that upon submission, The Hershey Company shall become the full and complete owner of my idea. The Hershey Company will then have the unrestricted right to retain, use, disclose, license and sell my submitted idea and materials.
  • 7 .
    The Hershey Company is not obligated to review, develop or pursue my idea.
  • 8 .
    I understand and agree that The Hershey Company is not required to, and may not, compensate me for using my idea.
  • 9 .
    I understand and agree that this Submission Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between The Hershey Company and me pertaining to this idea.
  • 10 .
    I understand and agree that to be effective, any change to this Submission Agreement must be approved in writing by an officer of The Hershey Company.
  • 11 .
    In consideration for The Hershey Company accepting my idea, I agree that the terms of this Submission Agreement are subject to the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Your Idea

Tell Us About Your Idea


Your Contact Information

Enter Correct Email.
The form cannot be submitted because the following fields are incomplete:
Subject: Must be selected.
Product Brand: Must be selected.
Idea-ShortDescription: Cannot be empty.
First Name: Cannot be empty.
Last Name: Cannot be empty.
Email:The email address seems incorrect(check @ and .'s)
Street Address: Cannot be empty.
City Name: Cannot be empty.
State/Province/Country: Must be selected.
Zip/Postal code: Cannot be empty.
New Flavor Field: Cannot be empty.

Review your submission


Lorem ipsum dolor

New Flavour

Lorem ipsum dolor


Lorem ipsum dolor

Patent Number

Lorem ipsum dolor

Idea Description

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sem tellus, pharetra non nisl a, tristique facilisis tellus. Morbi et vestibulum ligula. Ut consequat mauris ut sagittis consequat aliquam erat volutpat. Nam lobortis elit non libero vulputate dapibus.

Idea-More Info

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sem tellus, pharetra non nisl a, tristique facilisis tellus. Morbi et vestibulum ligula. Ut consequat mauris ut sagittis consequat aliquam erat volutpat. Nam lobortis elit non libero vulputate dapibus.


Mr. Lorem ipsum



123, Lorem ipsum st.
Apt 2r

Address Line Two

123, Lorem ipsum st.
Apt 2r





Zip Code


Day Phone


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Thank you for sharing your idea with The Hershey Company. The Hershey Company has been in business for over 100 years because of loyal consumers like you. If The Hershey Company has any questions about your idea, we will contact you.