Time and time again consumers who are reaching for gum must make a choice – fruity or minty, spearmint or peppermint. What could happen if you did not have to choose?
Ice Breakers is bringing its newest – and most unique—innovation to the marketplace today, Flavor Shifters gum.
What are Flavor Shifters? It’s gum that transforms its flavors, right as you are chewing. And, to us, it's more than just gum, it's an experience – and a big bet, expanding the brand’s lineup as the category grows and consumers seek new forms of sensorial stimulation.

Building a Gum That Blows Your Mind and Drives Category Sales
It’s no secret that gum usage dropped during the pandemic. However, today the U.S. marketplace is rebounding. This recovery provides players across the category with great opportunity – and at Hershey this means leaning into our brands to bring distinctive innovation and new products to a category that has seen limited advancements in recent years – starting with Ice Breakers Flavor Shifters.
Working hand in hand with our suppliers, we created a flavor shifting gum through technology and creativity. After many trials, we created two varieties – Wild Berry to Coolmint and Wintergreen to Coolmint – to appeal to both fruity and minty refreshment enthusiasts.
How does this work? After many trials and tests, we have created a truly revolutionary technology where one cube of gum contains a blend of flavor technologies to deliver this flavor shifting experience. This provides a sensorial stimulation unlike anything in the market today. You chew through one and activate the next. In the first minute, your taste buds will be delighted with the sweetness of assorted berries, and after that, you’ll soon be savoring Ice Breakers’ signature coolmint flavor to reap the benefits of fresh breath just before that big meeting or post-dinner. Ultimately, you will enter a unique and unexpected flavor journey. It’s a taste transformation like no other – and available now, nationwide.
Leveraging Experimentation to Create New Experiences Today and Tomorrow
Flavor Shifters are just the beginning of how we capture the attention of our consumers, and drive more people to the category today, tomorrow, and every day. It’s also a signal of what is possible in the gum category and beyond when we use technology to deliver game-changing products.
Our innovations will always be founded in deep consumer insights, as we aim to create products they love and ensure we meet them where they are. As we look to the future, we’re fueled by our commitment to bringing distinctive innovation to every category we touch – gum, sweets, salty and wherever else our leading snacking powerhouse strategy takes us.
We are all about bringing more moments of goodness to our consumers through our amazing retail partners. As part of this, we’re dedicated to surprising our loyal fans with exciting and fun signature products, keeping them coming back for more.